very in love at eighteen
my grandmother Mimi
was married in a blue dress
wearing blue glass beads
blue like her eyes
like these forget-me-nots
blooming everywhere here
and it’s these flowers
that make me think of her dress
and of her eyes and if I continue
I could bring in the sky
were it not a rainy day and gray
but still
thoughts and heart
are connected of course
in the great circle of consciousness
and were Mimi alive today
I would decorate her hair
with these pretty little flowers
and she would praise their sweet
prettiness and then fall into
a kind of flower-rapture
all dreamy-like
oh my look at the pink of these azaleas
wouldn’t they make a lovely dress . . .
only to snap out of it abruptly
to ask me (once again)
if I believed in God
but instead of feeling squirmy
like I used to
I’d tell her I believe
in these forget-me-nots
which are one and the same—
blue like your wedding dress
your beads
your eyes (and mine)
blue like god if that’s
the color you choose
Many thanks to Adrian Arias for this photo!
The poem I am reading is for my grandmother Mimi and is included in my book
I Just Wear Wings - collected poems of an aspiring mystic
available at book stores or by ordering from Small Press Distribution: