Friday, November 12, 2010

Night with the Revolutionary Poet's Brigade at the Beat Museum

We had a great evening at The Beat Museum! Though I don't often write political, somewhat rant poems, this one was born out of an article Miguel Robles posted on his Facebook wall last week or so.
FYI: "pinche," is a Mexican slang word (again, complements of Miguel),  in this case meaning fucking.


                        Arizona State Sen. Russell Pearce says the bill (SB 1070) was his idea.
                        He says it's not about prisons. It's about what's best for the country.
                                                “Prison Economics Help Drive Arizona Immigration Law”
                                                by Laura Sullivan

NPR claims that you made a deal with the private prison industry
to help pass and draft the law. Demanding documents from anyone
on the street could lead to endless arrests, keeping new prisons filled for years.

Your website slogan says:
For faith, family and freedom above all else.
            What kind of faith do you follow that banishes others?
            What kind of families can there be if innocent parents are jailed?
            What kind of freedom does racial profiling bring?

            “They’re illegal,” you say, “and they have no right to be marching down
            our streets. They have no constitutional rights.”

If only all the “illegal” people were marching down the streets—
marching in protest, demanding to be treated as fellow human beings.
But they’re too busy working, simply trying to survive, unlike you
Mr. Senator who, from your pictures, appears to have no want of food.
And Senator Pearce, I also hear that you want to start charging
undocumented parents school fees for their children born on US soil.
Indeed, this might be better than holding bake sales to make up for the dismal
amount state governments spend on public education in the first place.

Oh yeah, and why don’t we just go ahead and erase the 14th amendment
from the constitution as you’ve suggested, Senator Pearce, then everyone
can be a citizen of nowhere in particular; we can all just live together here
as equals since even the Native Americans emigrated to this land at one time
when there were no man-made borders or arbitrary green cards—
if anything, being the first generations born here, they should be asking
everyone else for papers. Where did your family come from?

You are all about laws Senator Pearce, but laws are just made-up rules.
                        R is for Rules, a letter we should deport from your name,
                        or R is for Raging Racist perhaps?
Without the R we’d be left with Peace—
none of your pinche prisons needed.

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